0231 - 2695143 | 7385220556

 R.S.No.576, Rajendra Nagar, Kolhapur


Rules and Regulations

Admissions and Withdrawals

  • Students seeking admission to the higher classes shall be subjected to a competitive entrance test, provided they meet the age requirements.
  • Students who join the school have to produce the Municipal Birth Certificate in support of the date of birth entered in the Admission Form. The admission of student from unrecognized schools shall not be entertained as per departmental rules.
  • Candidates who have attended any recognised school shall not be admitted without a Leaving Certificate from the school last attended. If they come from a school outside the State of Maharashtra, the Leaving Certificate has to be countersigned by the Inspector of the Division in which the school is situated.
  • Admission fees & tuition fees once paid are not refundable.
  • Student once admitted cannot be withdrawn without a month's notice.
  • Students who fail to submit their application for leaving certificate on scheduled dates mentioned at the end of the academic year will be liable to pay 1/2 yearly fees for the next academic year.
  • Leaving Certificates shall not be issued unless all school dues are paid and all books and articles belonging to the school are returned.
  • The Principal reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student if his/her behaviour or progress is unsatisfactory.
  • Prior permission of the Head should be taken to meet the teacher on week days.
  • There may be a rise in the school fees from time to time.
  • On days of 'Bandh' the school management cannot declare the day as a holiday. It is the responsibility of the parents to bring the child to school and take her/him back. Parents should wait and find out about the timings of the classes for that day.

Recommendations to Parents

  • "We remember our students have parents."
  • Parents are requested to co-operate with the school by working side by side with it towards the growth and development of the child/school and we look forward to their encouragement.
  • Regular hours of study at home help children to develop proper study habits.
  • The school shall be sending messages for the class meetings through the students, Parents are requested to look into these and attend them promptly. Their absence will be taken as a consent of the topics discussed during the meeting.
  • Private tuitions shall not be encouraged. Private tutors may not be engaged except when the sanction of the Principal is obtained. The school staff, therefore, doesn't take private tuitions without the permission of the management.
  • Parents are requested to seek permission from the Principal before meeting their wards or their teachers during school hours.
  • Parents are expected to be very particular to see that their children return home immediately after school hours, except on days when they stay on for co-curricular activities. It may be noted that the responsibility of the school authorities ceases immediately after school hours.
  • Any change in the residential address or telephone number may please be immediately notified to the School authorities.
  • Parents / Guardian are given to understand that the management has a right to decide the conditions to admit or retain students in their school.
  • The Principal/ School Managing Committee reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student if his/her behavior or progress is unsatisfactory.
  • Any activity of the parent against the school shall call for dismissal of the student.


  • Students are not allowed to bring mobiles, cameras, cd’s, i-pads etc. to the school. They will be confiscated if found.
  • Students are not allowed to wear any ornaments or bring any valuable articles to the school. These shall be confiscated.


  • Personal hygiene and cleanliness shall be laid stress on.
  • Nails and hair should properly and regularly be cut / trimmed as per the directions of the school authorities.

Absence Andleave

  • The Class Teacher, the clerk, the Principal or the Management have to be informed, if the student remains absents due to illness etc.
  • Children suffering from an infectious disease shall not be allowed to attend the school. A doctor’s certificate that the student is free from infection should be sent with him when he begins to attend the school, Chicken Pox, measles, typhoid, jaundice, mumps, herpes etc., require a three weeks stay at home, since that is the medically prescribed incubation period for these illnesses. In case of chronic diseases or any serious illness the class teachers / sports teacher, bus / rickshaw mama have to be informed in writing with supportive documents.
  • Absence on the reopening / closing day of the school after the vacations or during the school terms renders the students to pay the fine set by the school authorities.
  • Absence on 15th August and 26th January renders the students to pay the fine set by the school authorities.
  • No leave of absence is granted during school terms.

Fee Rules

  • All fees are to be paid strictly on the dates prescribed by the school authorities.
  • If fees are not paid according to given schedule of each installment then the students is liable to be sent home.
  • To ensure safety, the authorities will appreciate the payment of school dues by crossed and other cheques.
  • Tuition / Term fees are to be remitted in

School Address

Address: R.S.No.576, Near Rajendra Nagar Water Tank, Rajendra Nagar, Kolhapur-416008

Email: kpskop@yahoo.com | shobhatawde1957@gmail.com

Landline: 0231-2695143

Mobile: Deepa Patil: 9922808808, Deepa Bukshete: 9922668610, Asha Anand: 8275360081

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9:30am to 1:30pm

Saturday: 9:30am to 12:00pm

Sunday: Closed

Important Links

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